Sunday, December 8, 2013

Kian Lawley Smoking

Dont worry guys it's only for video, not for real.

Here video of Kian smoking :)


Anyone wondered what happend with Tyler and Lorde?
Now i i'll tell you what happened with them.

Firts, Tyler post an photo on instagram Lorde with her boyfriend James Klowe. In his caption he said 'Hhahahahaha'
Here pict Tyler uploaded on instagram.

Not to be rude. But look at his face omg hahahaha so funny.

Second, Lorde reply Tyler on twitter. She said....

What do you think? It is funny or hurtfull? For me this is so funny. I like Lorde i knew her song Royals and i like it.
But i dont like her anymore since she said Justin Bieber and One Direction are ugly. If she said Justin and 1d are ugly so what we supposed call her boyfriend? You better keep your mouth shut gurlll. 

Healthy Fruit

Blackberry Blackberry Blackberry. Some people who doesn't know Blackberry maybe they think it's a technology brand a.k.a BB.
As an Indonesian i thought Blackberry is a technology brand too.
Till now i'm googling i knows that Blackberry is a fruit we called it 'arbei' in Indonesia. This fruit is very healthy. Just adding blackberry on your diet you'll be fine.

Some benefits of Blackberry :

1) Cancer
Adding more Blackberry and berries to your diet may lower your risk for cancer.

2) Heart Disease
The vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiver in Blackberry help to lower your risk for heart disease 

So from now we should have a healthy life :)

One of my favorite app on Apps Store

Here i am. This is one of my favorite apps on Apps Store. This app makes user eyes bigger. You can search on your Apps Store 'bugEye' or 'magic photo lite
It's easy to use. User only take a picture or choose your photos from camera roll then let the apps detecting your face. This app didn't need so long time to detecting maybe only 10-15 second depends on yours quality photos.

Here my picture with big eyes :)